A Small Red Flower

I saw them when C dropped me off at work about a week ago. I got to the pharmacy as quickly as I could, dropped off my things,grabbed a few dollar bills from my lab coat pocket and went outside again.
There were a pair of veterans sitting outside selling small,red,silk flowers. I walked over and dropped my money in the can that one of them was holding. Th elderly man presented me with a flower. I took it and walked quickly back to the pharmacy. I knew I was going to be a bit late opening up,but this was something I had to do. Normally I would wear it pinned to my lab coat for the rest of the week. Since I had no pins with me I taped it to the side of my computer.
This is something I do every year. Right before Memorial Day the veterans sit outside the store selling the little red flowers. No matter how late I may be running I always make sure that I buy one as soon as I see them. Sometimes I get two.
Every time I buy one I think of my father-in law, Mr. Warren. Mr. Warren was a World War II veteran. He fought over in Europe. I have been told that he was at Normandy and also at Bastogne in Belgium. He returned, not as God made him, but as war had left him to paraphrase the quote from Bob Schieffer. His marriage ended in divorce and he spent the rest of his life haunted by what he had seen overseas. C and his siblings had a very turbulent childhood because of this.
Mr. Warren had mellowed out by the time C and I married, he had managed to live with the demons that haunted him. I still remember the way his eyes sparkled the first time I called him "Pa" right after the wedding ceremony. I also remember that he called me his favourite daughter-in-law. (A joke between us as I was also his only daughter-in-law.)
On Memorial Day we are to remember those that died fighting in the various wars throughout our history. I also like to remember those that came back. Many, maybe most of them, along with their families also paid a heavy price. Thank You.

For Mr. Warren, you are loved, you are missed.........


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