
I think I can officially say I am getting old. Several things I have seen the last few weeks have me convinced that our society is going to you-know-where in a you-know-what. That is a sure sign that age is setting in. I'm not sure if I should be upset or grateful that for once in my life, I'm normal. (Do we know what normal is? We only know what is customary. I read that someplace.) I'd like to share with you a few of the things that have me thinking this way.
C and I were shopping in the frozen food aisle. Sitting next to the vast array of Ore-Ida fries were sweet potato fries. Now I have seen these before and have eaten them. No big deal. Next to them was sweet potato tater tots. NOOOOOOOO!!!!! I barely restrained myself from screeching. Tater tots are a classic. You don't need to mess with them. They are fine the way they are. They do not need to be made from sweet potatoes. It's bad enough that fries are made from them.
I'm sure that this comes from the notion that sweet potatoes are healthier than regular potatoes. Regular potatoes are healthy if eaten baked and with little on them. I'm can't imagine that sweet potato fries and tots would be healthier. This is one food trend I hope goes away. Soon.
The slow corruption of the American English language. Several times I have seen pictures of celebrities. That caption reads something like X rocks a pink mini skirt. What? Excuse me? As far as I know, when 'rock' is used a verb it means to sway from side to side, to disturb or upset or to roughen. In this context the above sentence makes no sense. X is obviously not swaying,her mini skirt(while ugly) isn't disturbing and I don't think anything is being made rough. I always thought that journalists took English classes and owned dictionaries,thesauruses and followed a style guide. ( I'm talking about language, not fashion.)
While were on it, why do the rich and famous have to wear such awful things? Take the royal wedding for instance. What was up with Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie? They have as much money as they need at their disposal and probably people to advise them on what to wear and this was the best they could come up with? While I did think Beatrice had on a nice dress, the hat (actually a fascinator which is halfway between a hat and decorative headband) was horrible. It got her a lot of attention, which was maybe the reason why she wore the wretched thing. It still to me showed a big lack of taste. It probably blocked people's view of the wedding and was very distracting.
Eugenie didn't do much better. Her dress was flattering and the colours were nice. It looked like she had stuffed a size 14 body into a size 10 dress. Weren't there any fittings? Didn't anyone say to her, "Look, maybe you need to go up a size?" I felt uncomfortable looking at her.
This last thing is going to get me in trouble. Lady Gaga. I know she must be talented, because she went to the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU and they don't just accept anybody. What I don't understand is all the other stuff. The provocative behaviour, the sometimes near obscene costumes, the fact that she never looks the same way two times in a row. She may be a gifted musician and writer, but you'd never know it because of all the other stuff that she surrounds herself with. I know what you are thinking..this sounds like the ravings of a middle aged bag. (Except for Carrie and Carmen who are thinking, you are sooo wrong about her.)Humour me. When you think of Lady Gaga, what is the first thing that pops into your head? Is it the music or is the costumes and dancing? The fact that she is this giant attention hound makes me wonder if she is really as talented as she is said to be. A truly gifted person doesn't need all that stuff. She should be able to hold an audience without having to pour fake blood on herself or arrive at an award show in a creepy looking egg thing.
I must be getting old. I think I'll go listen to my Frank Sinatra CDs now.


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