Enough Already!

It's been raining a lot here. In fact, it's been raining so much that I am wondering if anyone is building an ark. OK... I'm exaggerating, but it sure feels like that.
The perennials ( I think those are the plants that come back each year.) are coming up. The lilies are spreading and looking good. There is another plant with silvery green leaves that is up and is spreading. My lavender plant is alive and well and the herbs are back, except for the basil which needs to be replanted each year.
This is good news. It means that I won't have to buy a ton of plants for the garden and can buy some plants to put in planters in front of the house and on the deck. That's the good news.
The bad news is that it's been too cold to put the rest of the garden in. Usually we do that in the middle of May. It's finally warmed up enough where we should be able to put plants in. I have a long weekend coming up and that would be a good time to do it. The problem is that it's supposed to rain most of the weekend.
Don't get me wrong. I like rain,especially when it is warmer out. I just think that we've had enough for the time being. In fact, I'm starting to get a complex. It seems that every time I have time off and things outdoors that I want to do the worst possible weather happens.
Two weeks ago, I had invited some friends out to the Arboretum. They had been there before,but in March when there was really nothing to see. I wanted to give them a better experience. Although it was not going to be as fully planted as usual due to the early spring weather,I was certain we would have a good time. I went with my friend, Patricia, earlier in the week to see what trails would have the most to look at. The weather for the rest of the week looked good. I had planned a picnic lunch after our walk.
Then the weather turned sour. The Saturday forecast looked like a complete washout. I was disappointed and expecting a message from them cancelling. They didn't. Instead they showed up with raincoats and umbrellas in tow. We had a good time anyway.
Maybe Mother Nature is upset with my defiance.
Mnnnn, I could be on to something.... Most people find gray,cloudy days depressing. Not me. Most people stay indoors when it is raining. I go out for a run. Maybe this is Mother Nature's way of saying, "So, you like clouds do you? Well...I'll give you clouds!"
Mother Nature, for the sake of the other people that live around here, please send some sun. Some people around here could really use it and I would be grateful. In fact, I'll make you a deal. If you could send some sunny days, maybe three or four in a row, I will plants some geraniums in a big planter we have. I'll even put the planter in front of the house and I promise I will take good care of it. Thank you.
We'll see if that works. I wonder if Mother Nature realises that I really dislike geraniums.....


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