Status Report

I've been on Facebook for about three months now. Except for the fact that it is too easy to lose track of time while on it I like it. The photo albums are nice and the message function is useful. I've chatted with my friend,Sarah,on it and caught up with one close friend from high school. All of these things are nice, but my favourite thing is the status update.
On Facebook there is a spot on your wall where you can write a comment. You can change it as often as you like and it shows up on the pages of everyone who is your friend. There is a spot where people can comment on your status and you are notified when a friend of yours comments or changes a status.
I've read all kinds of them. Some of them are puzzling, like when Carrie posted that she was distraught. Some amusing, like when Jake quoted from one of his son's favourite Dr. Seuss books. Denise likes to post what she is doing. C posts a little of everything. It's fun to see what people will come up with. Carmen has posted quotes from people I didn't think she knew about. People write if they like a movie they've seen,are enjoying a meal someplace or are spending time with someone. People even post a thank you as a status message.
Reading the status is only part of the fun for me. You can comment on some one's status. Sometimes this starts a discussion. I once posted a status saying that I wished there was a law requiring sick people to stay home so they wouldn't pass their germs to coworkers. This started a short discussion about how there are too many laws regulating behavior. I had to rethink what I wrote and changed it to wishing people would use common sense and stay home. Patricia posted something on ethics and morality without religion which was interesting to read. I even commented on that one. (Maybe a bad idea the other people who posted seem to be Ivy League grads.)
I'm not sure why I like the status updates so much. When I was in college I was a Resident Assistant for one summer. I had a bulletin board outside my room to put information about dorm meetings and events. I also had some space to do what I wanted. I liked to post a "Quote of the week." It was anything that caught my ear from a song lyric to a line of of a book. One of the things I posted was, "The good word for the day is a bad word." I have no idea what it means, but I posted it anyway. You could say that bulletin board was a low tech version of the status update. So my enjoyment of this goes way back (way way back).
When I write a status I tend to delete it and rewrite is a few times. Either I don't like the way it looks after posting it or I've misspelled something. (There is no spell check.) I once rewrote a status seven times before I was satisfied with it. That may be carrying it a bit far. I can't help it though. I want it to be good. Even if no else really cares.
Time to change my status to "Sophie is finished with her column."


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