Signature Item

In the movie 'Steel Magnolias' Shelby, played by Julia Roberts, describes her wedding colours as 'Blush' and 'Bashful'. When her mother, played by Sally Field, remarks that the colours are pink and pink, she brushes off the criticism saying that one shade of pink is deeper than the other. "I like pink. Pink is my signature colour."

I'm interested in signature items. These are things that someone wears or favors so much that it is odd if you ever see them without it. First Lady Dolly Madison's signature item were the turbans she'd wear sometimes adorned with feathers. Pictures of Anne Boleyn often show her wearing a pearl necklace the the letter B on it. I read once that Eugenie, Empress of France,would outline her eyes with make up. She did this even when she had to flee France after her husband was deposed even though this would make her more recognisable. The late Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother often wore a three strand pearl necklace.

My favourite signature item is worn by Rose Marie. She was a child performer in the late 1920s to early 1930s. She was on several TV shows. Her best known role is comedy writer Sally Rogers on 'The Dick Van Dyke Show'. In the show Rose Marie wears a black bow in her hair. I was told that that was a nod to her roots as a child star and vaudeville performer. I like that black bow. It's subtle and has some meaning.

I liked that black bow so much that I once bought a black bow clip that I would wear in my hair once in awhile. Sometimes when people notice it I call it my Rose Marie look. I tend to get blank looks from most people even older people who I thought would know what I'm talking about. I like the look of the black bow so much that when I look at hair items I check to see if there are any black bows. There aren't many. I did find one though. It is made out of some silky material and has some discrete beading on the knot of the bow. I wear it whenever I can.

I would like to have a signature item of my own.I think it would be fun. The closest I come to such a thing is the hats I wear mostly during the summer. It could work, I've been told that I wear them well. Not too many other women wear hats so it would be unique.
Black bow..or hats...I'll have to think about this....


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