His Toy,Her Toy

C is on a mission today. Over his lunch break he is going to buy a new phone. He has been looking at things on the Internet, reading tech reviews and talking with Carrie's boyfriend. He has given this a lot of thought.
I can't remember the model name of what he plans to buy. I do know what it does, it does everything except talk for you when you make a call. (Maybe it does do that.) It has an Internet connection, GPS,will tell you the weather, can be used to read electronic books and plays music. It is even supposed to read bar codes at stores and tell you where to get the best deal.
He's very excited about this. He wants me to learn how to use it especially the GPS. I prefer the manual system otherwise known as a road map. On road trip when I do read the map and tell him how to turn he usually insists on looking at it for himself. In his defense while I can read a road map just fine on a car trip, I have been known to get us hopelessly lost by misreading a trail map on bike rides. He also says I can use it to read books.
I don't think so. I get eye strain after a 12 hour shift at work staring at a computer screen most of the time. I can just imagine how much greater that strain will be looking at a tiny phone screen with even tinier print. I'll take paper, thank you very much. As far as music goes we have a good stereo system in each of our cars, satellite radio in his car and a kick-butt stereo in our house. I can't imagine that a cell phone will sound better than any of these. The weather option could be be useful. Aside from that it is another toy for the boy.
I can't throw stones at him though. I have a toy of my own that I'd like to purchase. It's a Gourmet Tea Maker. It is programmable and automated for each kind of tea. Think of it as a high class Mr. Coffee, except that it brews tea. It's a bit on the pricey side though. C's phone is actually less expensive (because he got a discount)
C doesn't understand this any more than I understand his new phone. I have 26 (I just counted) ceramic and glass teapots that I can make tea in and three kettles to boil the water. Why do I need another pot that we have to somehow find room to store?
I see it as a time saver. I would like to wean myself off of coffee. Not that I don't like it, I do. Very much so. I have noticed that especially when I drink coffee on an empty stomach, it doesn't like me. While I can boil water,steep the tea and have a cup or two before I head off to work in the morning, it would be so much easier to put the leaves in the pot and set it to brew. I can shower or exercise while the tea brews. I won't have to stay in the kitchen to watch the kettle and take it off the stove as soon as it boils. I won't have to worry abut over steeping the tea if I don't hear the timer or get distracted. I can store the coffee pot downstairs and put the new teapot in its place.
I will still use the ceramic pots to brew a leisurely pot of tea for myself or friends that come to visit. I can even brew tea in the Gourmet Pot and transfer it to a more decorative pot for serving. Everything will be used.
What is stopping me right now the the cost. While I can afford it there are things that we actually need more than I want this pot. So I look around at places where small appliances are sold to see if I can find something similar that would be less expensive. I could justify the expense by saying that I am rewarding myself for some reason. I've done that before usually buying myself a sweater or something to reward myself for dealing with something or getting through a stressful situation.
Tonight is the division speech contest. That might be the excuse I need. If I win, I will buy the teapot.


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