Speech Contest

I belong to a Toastmasters club in Small Town Wisconsin. Spring Speech contest is coming up and I'm contemplating competing.
I have competed at speech contest before. The last time was about six years ago. I gave a speech in the Humorous Speech category. I won the area and division contests and competed at the district contest in Duluth.
It was a disaster. The speech that had been so well received at the area and division levels didn't play well in the large venue of the district contest. I felt that I had let my club down by not even placing. I also found out the the first place winner was a professional speaker as in he writes and gives speeches as his job. While I understand that there is no rule barring him from competition it seemed unfair. That's like a person who swims laps at the Y once or twice a week competing against Michael Phelps. Both might be talented swimmers but Phelps is able to spend much more time at it as it is his job.Part of the third place speaker's speech was taken right from an old Phyllis Diller routine. I had to sign a certification that my speech was original and not borrowed from ofrwritten by anyone else. The fact that this woman did not even credit what she took and got awaywith it made me pretty mad. It didn't help that when I asked others no one seemed to even know who Phyllis Diller is.
As a result I decided I was not going to compete again. I had other things to do like plan my wedding and serve as secretary for the club. There were a lot of members that were better speakers that should have the chance to compete. I didn't give it another thought.
Until now. Speech contests have two categories, spring is always International Speech and Tall Tales. We have an extremely able International Contestant, but no one as yet has stepped up for Tall Tales. Our club has a reputation of being a vibrant, active club. Members of our club have been in leadership positions at the area and division levels. We have always been well represented at speech contests. This spring we have many new members. People who aren't quite comfortable speaking in front of the group let alone in a contest. This may be the time for me to step up.
I have a story I can use. (I can't talk about it in case I do compete) C would be able to come with me for support. Tall Tales doesn't, as far as I know, compete at the district contest so there would be no repeats of Duluth. Assuming I'd get that far, we are in a different division now.
Hmmmmmmmmm. I wonder what date the area contest is????


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