
When I took up running last spring, I got myself outfitted. I bought T-shirts and pants and one pair of shorts just in case I felt daring. I also bought about 3 bags of socks. Nothing fancy just plain white ankle socks with a terry cloth lining. I wanted something that would cushion my feet when I ran.
This week I spent tearing my sock drawer apart looking for a pair of socks to wear while working out. After about 5 minutes I finally found a mismatched pair. (I knew they were mismatched because the toes were different colours.) Since I was only going downstairs I took them and put them on.
What bothered me is that a few short months ago I had half a drawerful of white socks. I thought I was set on socks for at least a year. I did a more thorough search of the drawer and found that half of the few socks left had holes in them. How the heck is that possible? It's not like they'd had holes worn into them. Now I need to go through the drawer and decide to either throw the one with holes away or attempt to sew the holes closed. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
I don't really like socks. When I was in school; I only wore white, blue or black socks with my shoes. It was too much trouble to try to match socks. I had a hard enough time matching a shirt and sweater. In college since I lived in jeans and sweatshirts I wore white socks and tennis shoes with a pair of knee high nylons and some pantyhose in case I needed to dress up.
Once into the working world I switched to knee high nylons. I could by them in 12 pair packages at a nearby outlet store and I didn't have to try to match them with each other or with my clothes. That worked fine until I moved. Then I had to buy them from a regular store. Depending on what brand I bought the colours were slightly different and so I had to make sure I was wearing a pair that were the same colour.
Sometimes it would be cold at work and my feet would be freezing when I got home. I knew I needed to start wearing socks again. I bought a blue pair with black dots, a few pair of black socks and some navy blue ones. No problem.
Then I would see holiday socks. I bought a pair with hearts on them. Then came a black pair with holly on it. I found a pink pair that matched a shirt I had and then I found another pair with cat faces on it that almost exactly matched a sweater I bought a year back. The last time I went looking at socks I found some ones that said they were made of bamboo. I bought a few pair. they fit nice and I like the grey stripe at the top. (makes it easier to tell them apart from the black ones.) I think the sock buying might be getting just a bit out of hand. The next thing might be a pair of St. Patrick Day socks followed by a pair of Easter socks. Then I'll have to buy something to match the socks. So I'll be staying away from the sock department for awhile. Unless, of course, I decide to buy more white ones.


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