Check One Item Off the List

C and I finally had enough of a day off together that I decided we needed to start shopping for a dishwasher. I'm tired of having scales on my hands instead of skin and tired of spending so much time in the kitchen trying to keep up with the dishes. It's not like we have a ton of dishes to wash, but every day a few more get dirty and since there isn't that much counter space it looks like a lot.
I knew where I wanted to go, there is a locally owned chain that I was interested in checking out. We'd already looked at Lowe's and Home Depot. We saw a lot of different ones, but wanted to check out some locally owned appliance stores.
We walked up the the front desk where there were several men sitting and asked where the dishwashers were. One of them got up and went to show us. Along the way he asked us what features we wanted and what our price range was. I wasn't looking for anything fancy just something efficient,quiet that would wash the food off the dishes not cement it on.
He took us over to two different models that he thought we'd like. I was impressed already. He wasn't going to try and steer us toward the more expensive models. He pointed out what they had. I liked this even better. I didn't want something with a bunch of bells and whistles that I couldn't operate.
We narrowed it down to two. One of them had a rack for stemware and an adjustable top rack, the other one did not. They were both the same price so we went for the one with the the adjustable top rack. It was exactly on budget with the installation charge and they would remove and haul away the old dishwasher.
We went up and paid for it. It will be delivered this week. I'm looking forward to it. As I was standing at the sink washing dishes this evening I smiled at the thought that most of these dishes could be put in the dishwasher. All I would have to do is remember to unload it and not use too much soap.
I also have the satisfaction of being able to cross off the first item from the "need to buy" list. I'll do that as soon as I can find the list. (We organized my desk this weekend.)


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