Things were done much better in my day
I'm not sure what we were discussing at work when I said, "Things were done much better in my day." I caught the quick look that my tech gave me. I knew that look, it was the same look he gave me the day the store manager brought in an old jukebox full of 45s. I had to explain the concept of vinyl records to him. He had no idea. I explained to him that what I had just said was a quote from Alice Keppel mistress to King Edward VII of England during the Abdication Crisis of King Edward VIII. I didn't expect him to know what that was so I gave him a very condensed version. For those of you who don't know about King Edward VIII, I'll explain. In January 1936 King George V of England died and was succeeded by the popular Prince of Wales, who took the name King Edward VIII. The new king was unmarried and was seeing Wallis Simpson,wife of a British shipping executive. Later that year Mrs. Simpson filed for divorce. The King informed his Prime Minister that he planned...