One Hit Wonders

I stayed up way too late the other night. We were flipping through the TV channels to see what was on when we landed on VH1. I haven't watched VH1 in a long time. I think that last time I watched it they were still playing music videos most of the time. Now they have shows and movies with musical themes.
The show we stopped on was 100 Greatest One Hit Wonders of the 80s. I grew up in the 80s. (Yes, that is dating myself, isn't it?) I was anti social back then (some would say I still am) and spent most of my free time reading books and listening to the radio. I spent my Saturday afternoon listening to America's Top 40. A lot of the time I had the chart memorized.
Needless to say we stayed tuned in to VH1. When C changed the channel during a commercial break I loudly protested and kept it up until he changed it back. I wanted to hear the Weather Girls sing 'It's Raining Men'. By the time he finally changed it it was too late. They had already moved on to the next song.
I consider myself to be something of an expert when it comes to 80s music , but I learned something. I learned that the lead singer of the group, Kajagoogoo, ('Too Shy') was Limahl. I know who Limahl is. He sang the theme song to the movie "The NeverEnding Story". I remember it because I was playing around with choreography( I was really into dance at that point in my life) and I liked to dance to that song. I may still have the 45 in a box somewhere.
They had the Twisted Sister song 'We're Not Gonna Take It.' It's amazing how ridiculous Dee Snider, the lead singer, made himself look. I thought it was pretty silly back then and my opinion has not changed. I do like the song though, it's a good one to hear when you need to get psyched up for something.
I'm at the age now where you are supposed to listen to the music of your youth and think, why did I think this was good? I can't do that. There are a few songs and performers that have me scratching my head. Devo is a good example. Most of it I really like, especially the One Hit Wonders.


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