
December is not my favourite month. I know I'm not alone in this,I bet most retail workers and United States Postal Service employees share this dislike. This is supposed to be a time of year for joy. Peace on earth good will to others. Not for me.
December for me is 27 days of being overwhelmed punctuated by the occasional good day. I feel like I'm running at top speed, getting very little done and not enjoying any of it.
We do have a tree purchased at a local nursery. The tree is in a stand and in water. It has lights on it no other decorations. The decoration are all in boxes scattered over the living room. We were going to put them up on Sunday, but it took more than an hour to get the tree up. C wasn't feeling well and went to bed. I could have put them up by myself except that we got an eight foot tree this year and I can't reach the top. I also prefer it to be family activity.
Yesterday evening two young men from C's church dropped off a plate of Christmas treats and a card. I thanked them for the treats and wished them a Merry Christmas. I should have invited them in,but I was too embarrassed. The only other decoration up besides the tree is a menorah. (I'll explain that another time.) The living room floor was covered with cards and a half finished letter to Elin. There are still pine needles on the carpet.
The kitchen is worse than the living room. There are stacks of dishes that need to be washed and stacks of paper to be sorted and dealt with. The floor needs to be scrubbed. I think there are bits of cookie dough stuck to it.
I still need to write out a menu for holiday meals and make a grocery list for what I need. There are cards to be sent, a package to a friend to be mailed and no end to my to do list.
There are other things I want to do that I know won't get done. I wanted to donate a toy to Toys for Tots. I have no idea where a nearby drop off is and most likely it's too late now to do anything. C's church has a giving tree. You take an "ornament" off the tree and buy what ever is written on it to donate to a needy family. C and I kept forgetting to grab an ornament. The best I could do is make a few donations to our usual charities and donate some money to an animal shelter. It's something anyway.
I envy the cats at this time of year. Scamp and Colby nap serenely and watch me with amusement as I scurry about. They have no clue.
The bright shining light at the end of the tunnel for me is New Year's Eve. We celebrate it at home. We watch movies and feast on chips, dip,cheese fondue, chocolate and other kinds of grazing food. We watch movies or listen to music and relax. Soon the new year will begin and we'll have a clean slate.
New Year's Day dinner is easy too. We make brisket in a crock pot along with black beans and the remains of the following evenings food. I can relax having survived another December.
I just have to get through the next nine days.....


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