Christmas Eve jam

It looks like C and I will be alone on Christmas Eve. This is not unusual as my step-children usually spend the holiday with their mother. I feel sorry for kids these days. It used to be that you didn't have to make decisions like this until you were married and had to decide which set of parents any given holiday would be spent with. With divorce being so common kids have to make these choices at a younger age. It's worse if you are married. Depending on how many parents have remarried there can be up to two sets of in-laws instead of just one set. That's another discussion for another time.
I have to work Christmas Eve. The store usually closes at four in the afternoon so it is a short day for me. When I get home I'll have a little time to relax before we eat what is our traditional dinner, Chicken Parmesan. I'm not sure when this became our traditional meal. It's easy to make which is good since I'm usually working on Christmas Eve.
After we've eaten and cleaned up the dishes, then what? C's church does not have any kind of worship service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. That means we have the rest of the evening to ourselves. In the past we've tuned the TV in to "Yule Log". That is the picture of a fire burning in a fireplace with Christmas music in the background. Occasionally you can see the logs being poked with a poker or hands coming in to put a new log on the fire. I used to think it was sort of creepy looking as the flames shoot out of the sides of the logs. I don't care much for the Yule Log music so we mute the TV and play our own CDs.
This year I wanted to do something different. I proposed a Christmas Eve jam session. C would play his guitar and I would play the dulcimer and we would play Christmas carols. We can have Yule Log on and muted if we want. C likes the idea and has agreed to it. I'm looking forward to it. The last few days before Christmas can be very hectic so I've been counting down. Two more days....

C, Scamp, Colby and I wish all of you a Merry and safe Christmas.


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