Chatting from the next room

My husband and I decided it was time to get a laptop. Until now we did just fine sharing the one we have complete with 10 year old printer and keyboard. (Hey if it still works, use it). Since I'm writing more he thought it would be handy for me to have something portable. I could go to a coffee shop and write or I could go into the living room and write. He could also do some business stuff on it too. We decided if we could find one we liked at a decent price we would buy it.
Well, earlier this week we found one. It came with a wireless mouse and its own backpack to carry it in. It had everything we wanted on it and a few things we don't know how to use. Yet. So we bought it.
Now I have been using our old computer and my husband has taken over the laptop. That's just fine with me. Setting up a new computer is a pain in the neck and with a laptop I might not be able to resist the temptation to throw the thing out the window.
The way we have it set up is that the main computer is in the "computer room" and the laptop is in the other spare room since it has a built in desk. The two rooms are next door to each other.
One night I was checking my email. I have Yahoo and I can see if any of my contacts are online. If I see someone online I can start up a chat with them. I noticed that my husband was online. I couldn't resist. I sent an instant message. He replied. We chatted back and forth like that for several minutes. Then I decided it was time for bed. I sent a good night message and logged off.
That has got to be one of the silliest things I've done. he was only in the next room and less that 10 feet away. I could have raised my voice and he would have heard me. Instead I was chatting with him via computer like he was in another city. We're adults for crying out loud. Not a pair of teens that text anytime they want to communicate something.
I also realised it was fun. I liked typing something and waiting for a reply. Besides sending text, I also had an option to send emoticons too. I liked picking through the faces and choosing one to send. I could get hooked on this.
Maybe I'd better stick to walking in to the other room.....


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