Assembly Required

I've always told everyone that if you want to test your relationship with your partner buy something that needs assembly and assemble it together. If you can get through it and still be friends afterwards you're in good shape.
A few weeks ago my husband and I bought an elliptical. Now, I could have paid the money to have them assemble and deliver it, but my thrifty side does not allow this. There was no reason why the two of us could not put this together ourselves. We had already put together a couple of chairs, two tables and a clothes closet. We survived the experience each time.
Still, I was a little worried. I read the directions and follow each step carefully. My husband tends to look at the item and put it together the way he thinks it should go. Needless to say this leads to some clashes. The clashes get worse if I follow the directions and it doesn't make sense to him. I figured the elliptical would be fairly easy. All the parts are large and it's pretty easy to see how they should go together. All the tools we needed were included.
At 4 PM today we went down to the basement and got to work. We turned the '70s music station on TV. My husband was in charge of finding the large parts. My job was to find the bolts and washers and have the right fasteners on hand. Things were going well. We had all the pieces, the directions were easy to follow and I was hopeful that this would be done quickly.
Then we hit a snag. The elliptical was almost completely done. All we had to do was attach the pedals and handlebars and it would be ready to roll. All we needed was the footplate, a small five inch piece of metal with three holes in it that would attach the pedal to the rest of the machine. We couldn't find it.
My husband thought he had seen it the night before when we were making sure that we had all the parts. He began the search the basement. He looked under and over everything twice. We looked in all the rooms and in all the pockets of the clothes he was wearing. It wasn't fair. We were almost done. All we needed was that one little part. We had to have it, we would not be able to put it together without it. I was contemplating calling the manufacturer to get a replacement part. My husband decided to try prayer. I thought he was crazy ,but I folded my hands and bowed my head and joined in. Then he went upstairs. There were a few places that he had not looked.
A few minutes later he came back down, a triumphant look on his face and the needed part in his hand. It was on a side table in the dining room under some magazines. We looked up to the ceiling and thanked God. We could finish it.
It was done in about 20 minutes. There were no leftover parts or fasteners. My husband and I both took it for a test spin. It worked perfectly. Now all we have to do is figure out how to run the programmed routines. Anyone know where the owner's manual is??


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