Valentine's Dates
C and I had a Valentine's date day today. I have a 12 hour shift on the actual holiday, so celebrating before or after work is out of the question. Over lunch I was trying to think of something to write about this week. C suggested writing about Valentine's day dates.
There were three that were very memorable for vastly different reasons. The first one was before I got married. It was the day that my boyfriend at the time served me a heart shaped jello for dessert. It had the potential to be a romantic gesture, but it was an anatomically correct heart made with a little evaporated milk and covered in cherry sauce to make it look real. I think I also received a blender as a present that year. The next two were when I was dating and engaged to C. Our first Valentine's Day dinner was at Culver's. C was a house musician and working at a coffee shop. Knowing he didn't make much money, I suggested Culver's as a place to eat. He gave me a lavender glass heart shaped tea light holder that he bought. I made him a mix tape with liner notes for the songs. The next Valentine's Day was after we were engaged. We were at my house. C made a steak dinner with baked potatoes, salad and some kind of dessert. He asked me to put some music on. While I did that he got out a box with a ring in it. We danced for a bit and then he offered me the box. When I opened it up, it was a ring made out of a bubble gum wrapped with a rhinestone glued to it. I was taken aback. I had told him that I was all right with a bubble gum when we first got engaged, I didn't think he took me seriously. Seeing my consternation, he took out the bubble gum ring. There was a white gold ring in a flower shape with an oval sapphire. That was my engagement ring and wedding ring. It replaced the solitaire garnet he bought shortly after we got engaged.
After we got married Valentine's day became less important. I think we went on a fancy date once. It was at the Melting Pot which is romantic at any time of the year. One year I asked for a heart shaped pizza from a local pizza place. Most years we had a steak dinner at home. C makes a good steak.
The first few years we exchanged cards. After awhile we stopped probably because we both worked a lot and didn't have time to get one. I never asked for anything kind of present. Most years, C would get me a box of chocolate from a local chocolate maker. Sometimes he would have to brave the crowds on Valentines' s Day to pick it up. I would make these presents last as long as I could, sometimes I hadn't finished the box by Easter, when he'd give me another box.
Sometimes we would get balloons. One year I got him a balloon in the shape of a squirrel that said, "I'm nuts about you!" I loved the balloon, but Scamp and Colby were scared of it. I had to keep it in another room.
I think the reason why we don't make a big deal out of Valentine's Day is because we both believe we should show love to each on every day. Also it's a pretty commercial holiday, as we get older we are less inclined to get drawn into the commercial aspect of holidays.
This year we ate lunch in the deli of a grocery store we like. Their hot food bar is pretty good. We got dessert at Café Latte, did some grocery shopping and took the car through the car wash. It was nice and leisurely. Just what we wanted.
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