The Christmas Column


    Last week I helped my friend/sister, Dana, bake Christmas cookies. During the course of our baking she asked me a question. I had been talking about how it has been hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit the past few years. She asked me, "what do you need so you can feel the Christmas spirit?"

    That question stopped me for a minute. I had never considered that. As someone who is a community pharmacist, I always assumed it was because December is the time when most people tend to be worst. Retail workers are not often on the receiving end of the season of love and joy. This hasn't been the case for the past five years that I've been at my current job.

    What do I need in order to feel the Christmas spirit? 

    I thought about this question on and off for the rest of the day and the next several days. I knew a few things I didn't need. I didn't need presents. I rejected the commercial aspect of Christmas a few years back. I wanted the kind of celebration that would last past material goods. As an introvert, I didn't need parties. Once I started working part time I was able to enjoy Christmas music again, but I didn't really need it. I used to track Santa on NORAD, but hadn't done that for several years. We've done Yule Log on your upstairs TV, but it quit working and we got rid of it. I miss it, but I don't need it. What did I need?

    One of the things I need is snow. I don't have to have several feet. Just enough to cover the ground is enough. I like the look of the blanket of white covering the ground. I like how it sparkles in the sun when it's cold. I need to do some Christmas baking and to share what I've made with someone, even if it is just my parents. 

    A few days after that conversation, I looked around my living room and realized it needed something. I went downstairs and found a string of star shaped lights that I had. I wound it around the Christus statue and the nativity scene I put in front of it. I turned the lights on and instantly felt satisfaction. What I need are lights. That's why I like burning candles and looking at the decorated houses this time of year. I need lights.

    I wasn't quite satisfied with the lights I put up. I knew we had something better. I went downstairs and found another set of lights. These lights can be set to white or coloured lights. I took off the star shaped set and put the new ones around. When I plugged them in, they blinked from white to colour. I set it to steady white. I stepped back. Much better. 

    C wanted a Christmas tree. We had not had time to find one. Yesterday, Christmas Eve, he decided we had to get it. We went to a big box store where we had found trees before. They were on clearance. We found a three foot tree that was perfect. (We like to set it on a small table in our living room so the cats don't drink the tree water.) While our Christmas eve lasagna was in the oven, we wound coloured lights around it and set and angel topper on it. No other decorations needed. We turned off the lamps and overhead lights and enjoyed the light of the Christus and tree. 

Merry Christmas 

Sophie, C ,Willow and Barnaby





  1. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours


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