A Phone Call


   Now that I have the ability to text, I don't talk to people on the phone much, except at work. Maybe it's because I don't want to bother anyone or reach them at a bad time. Another reason could be the ability to edit before hitting send. Once you say it it's out and there's nothing you can do about it except deal with the reaction. It could also have to do with my love of sending pictures and using Bitmoji. 

    When I do talk on the phone it tends to be a marathon session. I can talk on the phone for an hour or more with a someone I haven't heard from in awhile. Having bionic ear in this case is very helpful. The other person's voice goes right into my ear and I don't have to worry about getting "phone ear". I can also do other things while talking such as washing dishes or folding laundry. My favourite way to talk on the phone is sitting comfortably with a cup of tea and maybe a cat on my lap.

   I had just such a conversation today. I sent my friend a baby blanket that I had made. She wanted to call me when she opened the box. I was pleased to hear from her. She and her family moved a few hours up north. While I knew they had a better situation in their new home, I wish she lived closer.

   We talked about all kinds of things. We talked about our families. We discussed food and herbal tea.  We talked about things that were on our minds and hearts and our concerns about the future. She asked me if we were going to play any Christmas music at church this year. I asked her if her house was decorated yet. I told her about my attendance at the ordination of a Catholic bishop a few months ago. She talked about her mother coming for Thanksgiving and helping her out. I talked about cats and how we are making efforts to prevent Barnaby and Willow from drinking Christmas tree water this year.

   Eventually her young son started to call for her. We had been talking for over an hour. As much as both of us wanted to continue we both needed to go. We talked for a couple minutes more and then hung up.

   As I put my empty cup back in the kitchen, I felt refreshed. She is one of those friends that accepts me as I am including some unorthodox opinions I have. It was good to be able to chat like that. I hope I made her feel as good as she made me. I also know that we shouldn't wait so long between conversations.



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