Now I Understand


   When I was a teenager, I read a book called The Little Princesses by Marion Crawford. Published in 1950, it was about the British Royal family, particularly then Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Ms. Crawford was their nanny for 16 years.

   When I got older I learned that Ms. Crawford who had left her employers on good terms, was ostracized after publication of the book. I couldn't understand why. It was a good book and gave a glimpse into what was like for the young girl who later became queen and her parents who were not supposed to become king and queen. There were no salacious details, no shocking revelations just a picture of  the family living their lives.

   One of the books I've been  reading is, The Housekeeper's Diary  by Wendy Berry. She was a housekeeper at Highgrove House where Charles then Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales lived part time during their marriage. The subject of the book is a real look at what the relationship between Charles and Diana was like shortly before their marriage broke up.

   The publication of the book was banned in Great Britain, it was published in the United States. Charles, then Prince of Wales took action against Ms. Berry claiming that she violated the agreement she signed  to not talk about her time with the Royal Family. The courts sided with him and Ms. Berry lived for a time outside of England. She did eventually return to England to care for one of her sons who was ill. Prince Charles decided not pursue any more legal action and permitted her to keep the proceeds from the book.

   Partway through reading the book I began to understand. The book is interesting in that it shows that Charles wasn't really as cold and hard as he was made to seem and Diana had another side to her. I could also see why the Royal Family would want it squashed. They are people and human and have the right to not have their life on public display all the time. They have the right to relax and have privacy just like anyone else. I'm sure most of us would not want to have the details of our lives out there for all to see particularly during a rough time like the breakup of a marriage.

   I felt like I was peeping while reading the book and wondered if I should just stop. On the other hand  having that context from the late 80s to early 90s makes it easier to understand why some of the members of the British Royal Family are the way they are. It's nice to see them as real people even if that isn't the image they want to portray.


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