

    This year I'm not going to be able to do my usual birthday lunch. None of the people I know are available to have lunch with me even with take out. I'm also working on my birthday, something that rarely happens. This year, my birthday is on the Friday of Labor Day weekend and it's my weekend to work. I didn't feel right making someone else take that evening shift since I have to work the next day anyway.

   I decided that since our 20th wedding anniversary was last week, the days in between our anniversary and my birthday would be the days of celebration. We would find fun things to do. We'd bake my birthday cake together. We'd go for a bike ride. We'd have lunch together. 

   Before I started doing birthday lunches, I used to share my birthday cake. For a few years I would bring cake or some kind of treat to work and share it. I'm going to do that this year. 

   A few days ago we had lunch in St. Paul. We enjoyed a treat at Café Latte then walked on Summit Ave. We've been walking on that street since we moved to Minnesota. I have never tired of seeing the beautiful historic houses. There is one house that has two stone lions, one on each side of the steps going into the front yard. They usually have some sort of costume on. This time they had on goggles, swim caps and medals. 

   The next day we rode our bikes. The weather was perfect for riding. It was warm with low humidity. The skies were cloudy so I didn't have to wear my sunglasses. It was strange riding without them. We did each ten mile leg of our ride in an hour not counting the short water break we took at about six miles. That's our best time yet.  We plan to ride the entire trail both ways in a few weeks. The entire trip is 40 miles and we try to do it in four hours excluding breaks.

   When we got home I made my birthday cake. This year I decided to make carrot cake using the recipe I got from a guy Carrie used to date. Lately I've been making cakes in a Bundt pan.  I like the look of a Bundt cake and it's easier to store in the fridge. After the cake had cooled for several hours I tried to take it out of the pan. It didn't come out easily. Some of it stuck to the pan. I was grateful that it wasn't a huge chunk. I'll have to make a note that this recipe is not Bundt pan friendly.

   Last night C decided to take me out for a fancy dinner. We went to the St. Paul Grill, which serves a good steak. Normally I don't have any kind of add on with my steak. I'm making an effort to try new things when it comes to food so I had my steak with a side of creamy horseradish. I liked it. It had the horseradish bite tempered by the creaminess of the sauce.

   It's been a good week. Today, before work I'm going to have a piece of my cake. Then I'm going to go to work and have a good day.




  1. Happy Happy Birthday to you and to me!! We, almost siblings, have a lot to be grateful for. Hope you enjoy sharing gifts on this wonderful day!


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