

      It finally snowed this week about two months too late. I was still happy to see it. Unlike just about everyone else I know, I like snow. It brightens up the winter atmosphere and makes everything, except roads, look better. There are few things prettier than snow sparkling in the sunlight. 

      It was the perfect snow, just enough to cover the ground and the trees not enough to cause major problems with traffic. As much as I like snow, I'm not a fan of snowstorms or blizzards. Not everyone has the privilege of being able to stay inside during bad winter weather. I have had to drive during bad weather to get to work.  This was a nice snow where the flakes came down and the snowplows were out pushing it off the roads and putting down snowmelt. The ridge that the snowplows leave in front of driveways was small enough to drive over.

   Along with the snow has come some cooler weather, another thing that I welcome. The cooler weather gives me the chance to bundle up and feel cozy. I can wear some of the cute sweaters I have that are thicker. I'll even be able to being out the blanket I spent so much time knitting and try it out.

   I can also make some foods that just somehow taste better in the winter. Chili with lots of cheese and corn chips, white chicken chili, lasagna and soups. This season seems made for these kinds of food. Food that is warm and soothing. 

   Winter, in my opinion, is God's gift to introverts. When the weather is warmer and nice, there is no reason not to go outside and do things. When the weather is cold and snowy, introverts have a good excuse for staying inside and charging their batteries. Being about to stay inside, wearing comfortable clothes reading a good book with a hot cup of tea is a treat for me. 

   I'm hoping that we get more snow. Enough so that those who like to ski can indulge in their hobby. enough so the ground has enough moisture when planting season comes around.

   Right now now though, my teacup is empty and I think I hear a book calling me....



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