

   In the movie, Fried Green Tomatoes, Idgie is trying to comfort Stump. Stump is the son of Idgie's business partner Ruth who is dying of cancer. She says, "I guess you already know that there are angels masquerading as people walking around this planet and your mom was the bravest one of those." It's one of my favourite quotes in the entire movie. Part of the reason is because I believe it is true. One of them was a guy I knew in high school named Harold. Another is my cousin, Ann.

   I'm writing this on Friday night and right now my cousin Ann is in Rochester. Her niece, Rachel, is there in hospice with just days to live. Rachel was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, I'm not sure when. Ann and Rachel's siblings are there to spend this time together before Rachel leaves mortality. Ann has been caring for Rachel during her illness.

   Unfortunately, this is not a new situation for Ann. Her older sister, Jean, who is Rachel's mother, fought cancer for almost a decade before losing her battle to the disease when Rachel was in her mid teens. Ann cared for Jean and Jean's children, after Jean passed away. (Not sure what happened to Jean's husband)

   Ann has a brother named Albert. He is about my age and developmentally disabled. He is a really nice guy with an amazing ability to remember sports scores for the local high school football team and the Green Bay Packers. (They live in Wisconsin.) My aunt and uncle did not want Albert to live in a group home. Right now he lives with my aunt, my uncle passed away a few years ago. If/when my aunt is no longer able to care for Albert, he will move in with Ann, who has agreed to care for him. 

   Lisa is one of the older cousins so I honestly don't know her well. I do know that she has worked in several different fields and that she retired a few years ago. She lives a few blocks away from her mother. I recently learned that shares her home with a couple of cats. 

   I didn't know about Rachel until my Dad told me yesterday. News doesn't get around as fast as it used to. When I found out I knew that I wanted to reach out to Ann. This has to be very hard for her because she is so close to Rachel. Even though Ann and I are not close, I wanted her to know that I was thinking of her. 

   I'm hoping that Ann and I might be able to get to know each other a bit better. I feel like our love of cats might be the start of other things we may have in common.  As I get older, I want to get to know more of some of  my extended family, also I feel like Ann would be someone I'd like to have as a role model. Who better than a woman masquerading as an angel.




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