The Freestyle Machine

   Last week C and I had a few errands to run on the east side of town after I got my hair done.  On the way home we stopped off to grab some lunch at a fast food restaurant. When we walked in I saw that they had a Freestyle soda machine.

   A Freestyle soda machine is one that has several basic sodas with optional flavorings for each basic kind. For instance you can get a cherry cola from a Freestyle machine. I really like these machines because I can get different kinds of flavours. 

   After we put in our order and got our cups, I walked over to the machine to explore my options. They had caffeine free diet cola, which I prefer because normal cola is too sweet for me. (Yes, I am aware it's not healthy.) I looked at the flavoring options and chose vanilla. There is something about vanilla and cola flavor that I really like.

   I took my drink to our table while C went back to get our food. The first sip was wonderful. I savored my drink along with the burger and fries that I ordered. I'm not sure why but sometimes I crave a fast food burger. It had everything I wanted on it. 

  C and I shared the fries which were also very good. This restaurant has fries with the skin still on the potatoes. It's probably all in my head, to me fries with the skin on have more flavour. They were just the right temp and were perfectly salted.

   Once I was done eating I finished my drink. When restaurants have a soda machine in the seating area, I like to get a refill for the road. I liked the vanilla cola, but decided to get another flavor.  I walked over to machine to check the options. I decided I wanted lime flavor. It was not an option with the caffeine free base. There were a few diet cola options. I found the one I like. Lime was an optional flavor so I filled up my cup.

   The first sip was really good. The base syrup has a bit of a spicy flavor to me and that paired well with the lime. I sipped at it as we drove home. 

   One of the things that amuses me as I've become a bit older is that it doesn't take much to make me happy. Some of the things that make me happy are somewhat strange, Like finding a Freestyle soda machine in a fast food restaurant.


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