Today I had a early appointment with my audiologist, which  took about 45 minutes. The only other errand we had to complete was to take my glasses in for an adjustment. Today is also date day. I gave C a couple options. The first was that we go to breakfast and then stay home for the rest of the day to do the things we needed to get done at home. The second was to go home do what we need to do and then go out to lunch. C thought about it for a few minutes. I suggested a couple of  breakfast places. One of them is  OPH. OPH is short for the Original Pancake House, a breakfast restaurant that I was introduced to last summer.

   C perked up when I suggested OPH. We decided we would go home to get my glasses (I was wearing an old pair), have breakfast at OPH and then go to get the glasses adjusted. 

   The parking lot looked crowded so we thought we may have to wait for a table. I went inside while C parked the car. Once I got inside I saw that there was plenty of room. I was seated at a table and waited for C. Shortly after we came in the server brought our menus.

   I try not to order the same thing every time unless it is something I like a lot, like the taco omelet at Bev's Diner. The menu had many choices. Whatever I got, I wanted to make sure it came with pancakes. Pancakes are a special breakfast treat for me. I remembered that the last time we ate at OPH, C had an omelet that looked really good. I decided to get an omelet that had onions and peppers with pepperjack cheese and salsa. C got a western omelet. 

   One we got our order in I decided to play with my bionic ears. They have a special program called 'restaurant'. What it does is fades the background noise and picks up the sound right in front of me.  Using this program might help me to hear C better. While we waited we looked at our phones. 

   Soon our food arrived. The omelets at OPH are nothing like any omelet I've seem before. It's a puffy omelet with the veggies and meat distributed in the egg part of the omelet, the cheese is in the middle. It reminds me of an egg version or a Bismarck pastry. It was really good. The vegetables tasted fresh and the salsa that came with it was excellent. The cheese was perfectly melted with just the right amount of stretch in it. I ate slowly savouring every bite.

   The omelet came with three pancakes. I just got the plain buttermilk ones although next time I may try the buckwheat. They were really good as well. Normally I prefer maple syrup with my pancakes, but the syrup they serve at OPH is not bad and I'm a bit too frugal to pay the upcharge for the real stuff.

  C and I enjoyed our meal. We chatted about our food while we ate. It was good to relax and enjoy each other's company. We also talked about things we wanted to do this year. I want to start playing my instruments again. I haven't been practicing anywhere near as much as I should. This year I want to make an effort to manage my time better. My goal is to play 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring' on the dulcimer.  It sounds really nice. In order to play it, I'll need to practice and learn a few more techniques.

   Once we finished eating and paid our bill we went to get my glasses adjusted. There is one woman that does a good job with adjustments. She was there, but I had to wait for her. We waited for about 15 minutes, but it was worth it. My glasses are staying on my face and are not cutting into the back of my ears.

   We drove home and started on the tasks we each have for the day. It was a good morning.


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