Trying Something New


   This weekend is the weekend where I get to do the one and possibly only thing I enjoy about the Christmas season. I get to make treats. Every year I have several kinds of treats that I make. This year I'm going to do a few different things. 

   I'm not making apple cider cookies anymore. This is partly because the mix is hard to find and partly because I don't think anyone really likes them. Instead I'm going to make ginger cookies. The scent of those cookies baking will make a really nice scent in the house. I also like the idea of changing up cookies now and again. I found a recipe for chocolate crinkle cookies. It s a chocolate cookie dough coated in powder sugar and baked. The result looks really nice. If they turn out I may also try adding peppermint to the dough for another batch.

   This year I'm also going to attempt a little candy making. I was thinking of making buttermints, the little pastel candies that used to be found at weddings next to the mixed nuts. While searching I  found a recipe for cream cheese mints that looked interesting.  A lot of what I make has chocolate in it and I am always looking for something without chocolate to balance things out. These mints are not cooked in any way so they should be all right. I'm going to tint some of the mix red and see if I can make little candy cane shapes. Other wise I'll form them into small balls and flatten them with a fork.

   There are some cookies that will make their usual appearance. It wouldn't be Christmas without decorated cut out sugar cookies. I am going to make pretzels coated with white chocolate because my Dad loves them and peanut butter cracker sandwiches coated with chocolate. 

   I found an easy recipe for fudge, but C has said that he thinks we have enough treats. I was sort of looking forward to making the fudge and possibly adding some peppermint flavoured marshmallows to it. Maybe next year.

   Now it's time to stop writing and start doing. 


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