I Like My New Home


   Hi! My name is Barnaby. I live here with Sophie and C and Willow. My middle name is Cosimo. It's a silly sounding middle name. Sophie wanted it to be my first name, but I don't look Italian. Barnaby fits much better since I was born in a barn.

   Many of my siblings are going to be barn cats. They are tough and strong and like to hunt. I didn't really want to be a barn cat. I like to cuddle and purr. A nice lady said she would help me to find a home where I would be well cared for. I had to have some surgery and a shot before I could could go to a new home. Not long after that happened the lady told me she wanted me to meet some people who were looking for a kitten to love. I would have a sister to play with. She took me to her house where I met the people. There was a woman with dark curly hair. She looked tired. The lady handed me to the woman with the dark hair and I curled up and purred. I liked being held by her. There was a tall man with her and he held me too. They decided that they were going to take me as long as I was tested negative for two cat diseases.

   The lady took me to the vet a couple days later. I got the tests, but also found out I had to take some medicine and have my ears cleaned every other day. I didn't like either of those things. The good news was that my tests came out negative. I stayed with the lady at her house while I took the medicine. There were other cats to play with and a little girl who really liked me. 

   After a week, the lady said it was time for me to go to my new home. The little girl held me and was sad that I was leaving. I was sad too, but I knew I was going to meet my new humans and that they would love me. They lady and the little girl gave me to the tall man who put me in a carrier. We drove home.

   My first few hours at my new home weren't very good. Willow was not nice to me. She kept hissing at me and hitting me. I almost wished I was back with the lady or even back at the barn. Sophie, my new human, gave me a safe room to stay in. I had my own litter box and toys to play with. She told me not to worry, Willow would eventually come around.

   The first few days I stayed in my room . Sometime I would leave it to explore, but only if a human was there. Sometimes Willow would come to visit me. I realized that she was curious. I also discovered that she was scared that the humans wouldn't love her anymore because I was there. Once she realized that it was all right, we got along better. I really like Willow. She is very smart and beautiful. She is grey with cool looking stripes all over her body. She likes to jump and run. I like to play with her.

   I'm very happy here. I'm a little shy when people come around so I hide under the chaise. I know Sophie wishes I was more social. Maybe I'll grow out of it. Willow has no problem being around other people. 

   I can't think of anything more to write. I'm hungry so I'm going to find some food. Bye!


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