

   The turkey breast is in the crockpot. The dressing and cranberries are finished. C and I have sent Thanksgiving greetings to all those we know. The kitchen is mostly clean. C is listening to a football game and I have time to write.

   As usual I'd like to write about the things for which I'm grateful. These are not in any particular order. 

   I'm grateful that I had the opportunity to be in a leadership position in Relief Society. I had some experiences that I would not have had and got to serve with two women that I didn't know well. I have learned a few things. I wish I could say that I developed some hidden leadership skills, but I can't. I spent a year and a half doing something that I have no talent and little ability to do. I only wish that there had been some joy in that journey. When I was a girl I took dance classes. I was much bigger than the other girls, totally uncoordinated and not as limber. I loved to dance though so my inabilities didn't bother me. I wish it had been this way in my calling. 

  I'm also grateful that others were chosen to lead and I was released. It's unfortunate that it was abrupt and that those I was serving with were hurt. It was time to be done and to move on and to rebuild.

   I'm grateful for Scamp and the 15 years he lived with us. Losing him was hard, harder than it had been with any of our other cats. I'll miss him for the rest of my life as I miss Colby, Nim and Ary, the other cats we have lived with. He taught me a lot and helped me to develop patience for those who have special needs.

   I'm grateful for Willow. I'm sure some people thought that I jumped too quick into getting a new cat. We had not planned on adopting Willow, but she needed a home and I quite frankly needed a kitten to love. We got her when she was pretty small and watching her grow and develop has been wonderful. I'm looking forward to many years of watching her and seeing what kind of cat she turns out to be.

   I'm grateful for Barnaby. I adopted him on a whim because I could tell that she wanted to be a housecat. He is friendly and cuddly and has shown almost instant trust. We are still getting to know him, but already he is a good playmate for Willow and is very laid back and calm.

   I'm always grateful for C and his willingness to walk with me on this journey through life.  To have someone there for you in good and bad times in one of the great comforts of marriage.

   I'm also grateful to those of you who are reading this. Some of you I know and some of you I don't know. Thank you for spending a little of your time with me. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


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