

   C and I went walking in the Big Mall this week. We walked though the entrance hallway and toward the rotunda near Barnes and Noble where they have performances of various types. It was blocked off because they were putting up two tall light filled Christmas trees. 

   I pulled out my phone to look at the date. I was right, it was early November. I'm sure a small wisp of steam escaped from my left ear. 

   Anyone who knows me at all knows that I have a special dislike for Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. I don't mind people putting up their Christmas lights early because these things are best done when the weather is good. Since good weather days can be sparse this time of year, I give those people a pass. 

   There are two reasons why I dislike the fact that Christmas has overtaken  the latter part of the year.

   Reason one: I firmly believe that Thanksgiving is a holiday that should be celebrated. We can take one day out of the 365 days of the year to be grateful. I truly believe that we are as a nation are taking too many things for granted. Those of us with sufficient material goods should be grateful for those things that we have and perhaps contemplate how we might help those who have not been as lucky or don't have the opportunities that we enjoy.

  Thanksgiving is a time that anyone can celebrate. It is not based on a religious or historical event. No matter what faith or non faith you practice, you can celebrate Thanksgiving. You can also celebrate it with your family, with your friends or alone if you want.  

   You can also celebrate it any way you want. Although the traditional meal is a turkey with various types of side dishes, you could have a roast, stew, lasagna, a pizza, hamburgers, a vegan dish of some sort  or anything you want. Just eat it with those you love, if you can, and be grateful for it.

   The second reason is because as the season has become over commercialized.  It's more about what you can buy than about sharing love with others or celebrating the birth of Christ. It's about getting a good deal and buying the perfect outfit to wear to parties and having the perfectly decorated home. It takes a season that is stressful for some people and increases it from one month to two months.

  I'm just grateful I haven't heard any Christmas music yet......




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