We Are at Home


   As much as I like our trips to door County, I'm always happy to come home. Eventually I get tired of restaurant food and being unable to sleep well in the hotel bed. I have had enough soaks in the Jacuzzi tub and I want to be able to do my Scripture study in a comfortable seat as opposed to either sitting in the dark or sitting on the floor near the bathroom. (If I turn on the lights it wakes up C.) I also miss Willow.

   We always make the trip back a part of our vacation. We have two cheese factories we stop at to restock our cheese supply. There is a tavern in DePere that has good hamburgers, we stop there for lunch. We bought some chocolate at another shop in DePere. We didn't take our usual stroll at a park near the Fox River due to the rain.

   We got home earlier that usual. I was able to unpack all my stuff  and put it away. C had to return something to someone and picked up some Asian food for dinner. I got all my stuff ready for the next day because I had to work. 

   Today was cloudy and not too cold. C suggested a walk after lunch. There aren't going to be many more days of decent walking weather so I agreed. We decided to walk down Summit Avenue. It's a historic street in St. Paul. The Cathedral of St. Paul sits on one end and the other end has the Governor's residence and Macalester College. We have walked in the neighborhood for many years. It's beautiful especially in the fall when the trees turn red, orange and gold. Even the falling leaves make puddles of colour around the trees.

   Many of the houses had Halloween decorations outside. There were the usual pumpkins and jack o lanterns. We also saw some creative uses of skeletons including one house that had several of them "climbing" up the outside of the house. There were inflatable black cats and ghosts and a monster that peeked out an inflatable outhouse and a ghost that would pop in and out of a box. One house had two inflatable gargoyles over the front door.

   There is a house with two metal lions that sit on the side of steps going up to the house. These lions usually have some decoration on them most of the year. For Halloween one was dressed and an angel and the other dressed as a devil complete with a pitchfork at its feet.

   After our walk we indulged in a treat. We went to Café Latte and shared a piece of their marvelous cheesecake. We each had a Spice Island steamer to drink. Since we were out and about we decided to go to Menards and pick up a couple of things. We found some drapes that were on sale. They were the right size and would go well with the ones we bought a few months ago. Once we hang them we will be able to totally cover our living room window.

   Right now we are each working on something. C is downstairs working on a song he is writing and I'm in the computer room writing this column. Once I'm done, I will make a light supper of soup and salad. After supper we will hang the drapes and I will fold some laundry. The perfect end to a wonderful day at home.



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