Looking for A New Project


         Earlier this year I finished the 10 stitch blanket that I've been working on for a long time. It was a very relaxing project and I enjoyed working on it. Over the summer I haven't knit anything because of lack of time. Now it's fall and I have the itch to start knitting again. I also want a project to take to Door County with me. 

   I know that I said I wanted to knit a pair of socks, but I'm not sure now. I'd have to teach myself how to knit using a magic loop. I'm sure I could figure it out, but I'd  really like to do something easy and relaxing like that blanket was. 

   One project I was going to do is to crochet all the granny squares I have together to make a nice little blanket for Willow. It would be fun and relaxing, but it would be hard to take all those granny squares to Door County with me. The same is true for the sample blanket that I want to start. (although I could take a few small balls of yarn along and some stitch patterns to make some blocks.) I have some yearn I bought a couple years ago to make a scarf to match the grey hat that I have. That would be something easy to do. 

   I could also knit a shawl with the cake of multicoloured yarn that I have. I really don't need another shawl, but this ball of yarn was so beautiful that I had to buy it.

   A friend gave me two large cakes of yearn for my birthday last year. I could take one of them with me and make a small 10 stitch blanket for Willow. It would be a relaxing project and I'd get the chance to do things correctly unlike my blanket. 

   I could take the sock yarn with me and find a pattern for socks that can be knitted flat. 

   I could take all the yarn I mentioned above along with needles. That would give me a choice of things to do. I can work on whatever feels fun to me. If I bring my large knitting bag I'll have plenty of room. 

   Feels good to have a plan...


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