Stop Talking!


   One of the things I have been trying to do for the last several years is get in shape. One way to do this to to get a membership and commit to waking out at a gym. For me this isn't a really good option. I'm more than a little self conscious in workout clothes, introverted with left-right confusion. The thought of going to a group fitness class of any sort is enough to make me feel sick.

  Fortunately, there is You Tube and its wealth of workout videos. There are all kinds of workouts I can choose from. There are Jane Fonda workouts, Tae Bo workouts, aerobics, step workouts, walking workouts and too many more to list. I was looking for something to add to the yoga I'm already doing. I needed something more along the lines of a traditional cardio workout.  

   My challenge is that I tend to get bored doing the same thing all the time. I also get bored if I have to work out for more than say 20-30 minutes. I'd looked at several different people who had series of workout videos. Most of the people with online workout videos are younger and definitely more athletic.  Why can't they make workout videos that feature more people who are normal size and a little older?

   I found one teacher that was sort of all right. I worked out to her videos for awhile. Then I found the closest thing to perfect. 

   It was a woman who was making workout videos for women over 50. That's me. It was just what I was looking for. The workouts were the length I wanted. The only equipment I would need for some of the workouts would be a pair of light dumbbells or a chair. There is a great variety of workouts and none of them have any kind of jumping. They are meant to be moderate and can be made harder or easier as needed. The instructor is definitely in my age range. Another nice thing is that  the videos are clearly filmed in her home instead of a studio. For some reason I like the fact that both of us are working out in our living room. Plus she has cats and a dog that sometimes walk into the shots as she is filming.

   There are only two drawbacks. The first is that she is thin. Fashionably thin. Not a curvy woman. The second is that she talks all the time. Literally. There is not a single moment of silence during the entire video.

   I don't mind talking during a video. It's needed to explain what the next move is or to explain how a move is supposed to be done. Most online workout instructors will also say encouraging things during the workout. (Something I think is very funny because you can be screwing things up badly and still hear "Good Job!")

  In her case it's bordering on babbling. After awhile it gets annoying. Why does she have to keep talking? The bad part is that I can't turn it off because I need to vocal cues to go on to the next thing. She also explains how to modify any exercise during a workout.

   The way I handle it is to tell myself that many workouts are done to music. If I think of her constant chattering as background sound it doesn't bug me so much. I like the workouts enough that I'm willing to cope with the non stop yakking.

   I've been using her videos for a few months now and feel like I'm in a bit better shape so I'll continue to use them. Still wish she would talk a bit less.......



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