I Can Eat What I Want


    A lot of things I see on Facebook are people who complain about being an adult. Most of what I see is that "adulting" is hard. Yes, there are parts of being an adult that are hard and a lot of work. There are also a lot of things that are good being an adult. 

   One of those things is that you get to choose whatever you want. Maybe this doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is/was to me. When I was younger, there were things that I was not allowed to eat. The reason for this was because my teachers thought that I had ADHD. At the time there were none of the medicines that are so common now. ADHD was thought to be caused by artificial colours flavours and sugar. There were things that I was not allowed to eat when I was younger. I wasn't allowed to eat pudding that came from a mix, Jello, Captain Crunch, Fruity Pebbles and Kool Aide. Soda was a treat for special occasions. We could have soda sometimes with meals like pizza and tacos or as an evening snack with popcorn. I always had to share a bottle with my sister. We were only allowed RC or 7Up.

   When I graduated from high school and went to college. I lived in the dorms and ate in the cafeteria. There was a salad bar and one of the things in the salad bar was red jello. For the first few weeks I went wild. I ate jello and the sugary breakfast cereals that had been forbidden to me. I drank soda whenever I wanted. After a few weeks, I stopped. The novelty had worn off.

   When I got out of college I ate other things that were forbidden but were not in the cafeteria. I had Pop Tarts. My favourite was the brown sugar cinnamon. I also liked to get big muffins from a local bakery to eat for breakfast on weekends. That bakery also had lovely pumpkin donuts in the fall. 

  As before, the novelty wore off and my Pop Tarts phase came to and end.

   I had forgotten about all this until last night. C and I went into a store to get some cat food for Scamp. (He's become a very picky eater.) C wanted to get some grain cereal that he likes. As we walked down the cereal aisle, I saw a large box of Honeycomb cereal. This was one of the more sugary cereals that I was not allowed to have. C asked me if I wanted it. I thought about it a little. We are trying to clean up our diet so it's really not something I should have.  However, we did have a stressful few days so perhaps a small reward for getting through the week was in order.

   After we got the box home, I opened it up and had some with milk. It was as good and not as sweet as I thought. Maybe just the thing for a small snack or a light breakfast. It's good to be a grown-up.



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