Second Wedding


   The Table Topics master played a fun game at a Toastmaster meeting a few months ago. The game was called Two Truths and a Lie. When called upon, you had to make three statements about yourself. Two of them would be true and one of them would be false. The rest of the club would have to decide which statement was false. Then you would tell the club if the statement they picked was the correct one.

   When my turn came I said that I was the first person to license a consulting only pharmacy, I passed my pharmacy board exams on the first try and that I had been married twice. I waited to see which statement my club members would think was false.

   The one they chose was the last one. Then I told them that I had pulled a trick on them. All of the statements were true. I was married twice to C. The first time we were married in Lutheran ceremony. The second time was a Temple sealing which is a ceremony in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

   Today is the eighth anniversary of that sealing. It was a wonderful day. It was cold but sunny. The ceremony was short, but meaningful.

   After the ceremony we hosted a dinner at a restaurant in St. Paul. There was a room upstairs that we had all to ourselves.  Our guests were people we knew from church and a few close friends. Everyone had a good time. 

   Since I wasn't a fan of the clinking on the glass tradition as a way to get the couple to kiss, I made a rule that anyone wishing us to kiss would have to sing a song with the word love in it. There was one table in the back where people were using their phones to find songs so they could get us to kiss. It was a lot of fun. One couple changed the rule to say that anyone who wanted us to kiss would have to demonstrate how to do it. Then C and I would have to follow suit. The couple did an expert dip and kiss. C and I did the same and Dana got a nice picture of it.

   It was in many ways better than our first wedding. It was much more relaxed and a lot of the things that I had to do for the first wedding things like flowers and attendants, I didn't have to do for the second. I was able to have a carrot cake for my wedding cake. The only thing I wish I had done different was to have a new wedding dress. I had not started shopping soon enough and wound up wearing the most formal dress I had.

   That aside it was everything hoped it would be. We were able to celebrate an important day with those who meant the most to us. In the end that is what matters most.





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