Hi !
This is Skamp! Sophie said that I could write the column today.
Sophie showed me something really cool on You Tube a few weeks ago. C likes to watch it to learn how to do things. I remember that I wanted to learn how to roar, so I watched lions roaring on You Tube. Turns out that they don't show how lions roar. Later I found out that as a cat of smaller size, I can't roar. (But lions can't purr) (Purring is much more valuable skill for a Chief Therapy Cat like me.)
She showed me Cat TV. This is a channel that shows many videos of birds, squirrels and other animals feeding in various places. I love it. My favorite animal is the red squirrels. They are much more interesting than the grey squirrels around here. I'm not a fan of the videos with fish swimming.
One thing I like about the video is that I can watch them on the couch. It's much warmer and more comfortable sitting or laying on the couch. It can get kind of cold next to the window. I also have a better view of the animals on You Tube. They are closer and there are more of them. We don't get that many animals in the front yard.
One thing I noticed is that birds are noisy. When they fly in and land their feathers make an interesting sound almost like a kind of buzz. The can sure move fast. I like the sound of birds chirping and singing. It's soothing. Sometimes I curl up and listen to the birds. I've fallen asleep that way.
The only problem is that sometimes C and Sophie want to watch other things on You Tube. I don't mind when Sophie does her yoga class, there is a big dog that I like to watch in some of the yoga videos, but some of the history videos are boring. They also cut into my screen time.
I think that no one is using the Ipad now. Maybe I can figure out how to get You Tube up. The red squirrel was eating nuts the last time I watched. Maybe he'll scare some birds away....
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