

   The turkey breast is in the crockpot. C made the dressing the night before. We have potatoes and C has agreed to make some brussel sprouts. We have two pies for C and a nice piece of German Chocolate cake for me. Scamp is napping on our bed after a thorough grooming which he enjoyed.

   Most of the time when I write my Thanksgiving Day column, it turns out to be a list of what I am thankful for. It's not bad to do this, but I don't want to get into the habit of tying gratitude to things. Today is going to be some assorted thoughts about gratitude. 

   This week I spent some time with my sister Dana. I brought her some fudge from Door County, something I've done for several years. We sampled the fudge but the best thing was that we got to spend some time together. She also helped me figure out a knitting challenge. What I didn't realise is that I got more out of that help than the ability to make the corners of my ten stitch blanket. It made me realise that sometimes I make things more difficult than they are. She texted me the written directions for making the corners and they made sense to me, when they didn't before. It's made me want to try some other things in knitting. I've always wanted to try socks. I have sock yarn and I have some simple patterns. Once I finish some projects I have started it may be time to take the plunge and just do it.

   When C and I go on day trips, I sometimes "take" my friend Celine along. She's not literally in the car with us. What I do is text her and send pictures of where we are and what we are doing. I started doing this so I could show her places in Minnesota and Wisconsin that she's never seen before. It also gives me the opportunity to look at places we have been to before with a new set of eyes. 

   The thing I'm most grateful for is that I am at a place in my life where I don't need or want much. I'm more interested in creating memories than in acquiring things. I want to try new things and make memories. I want to share love and some of what I've learned in my journey through life (so far). I want to give to a younger woman some of what Evie and Helen, my dear departed friends, gave to me. I want to go about doing good.

   Today though I'm going to stay at home. I'm going to knit, read, relax and spend time with C. I'm going to enjoy the food we prepared together. We have enough.

Happy Thanksgiving

from C, Sophie and Scamp



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