Finally Over


   I'm so grateful that the midterm elections are finally over.  I can now watch TV and Youtube again without having to see political ads. 

   I've never liked political ads but every year they get worse and worse. Maybe I'm dreaming, but it used to be that two candidates argued about how public challenges should be dealt with. Now they are too busy slinging mud at each other to say anything about ideas they have to make things better. (Assuming they have are any....)

   I'm pretty sure I wrote about this a few years back. If I had the ability to dictate how campaigning would be done this is what I would do. The first thing I'd do is limit the time candidates could campaign to two months. I really don't think that more time is needed. The another thing I'd do is to have a job application for each elected office. Each person running for office would have to fill out this application which would could include a maximum of five references. These references could make statements of behalf of the candidate confirming her/ his ability to hold the post they are seeking. Copies of the filled out applications would be mailed to every registered voter who would be a constituent of the person seeking office. The filled out job applications would also be available online.

   Each candidate would only be allowed to spend a fixed amount of money on their campaigns. The funds could be personal funds or raised from supporters. All those who donate would have to be named on a list which would be publicly accessible. All candidates would only be allowed to spend the fixed amount. Any candidate that goes over is automatically disqualified. Candidates would be required to report their spending every week during the campaign.

   All candidates would be required to debate each other at least one during the campaign. Rules would be set out ahead of time and neutral third parties would moderate the debates which would feature questions from people living in the area the candidates wish to represent. Any candidate who violates the rules would be disqualified from the campaign.  (If you can't follow rules then why should you be allowed to make them.)

   I believe that these reforms would do a few things. It would allow people of lesser means with a desire to go into public service the opportunity to do so. As it stands to takes so much money to run and hold office that only wealthier people can afford to run. A spending cap levels the playing field. Right now the person with the most money usually wins. The job application would allow voters to assess for themselves how qualified a candidate is. The shorter campaign time would be so voters don't have to put up with endless campaigning.

   When we vote for people we are hiring them to do a job for us. I think it should be done in a more professional manner. I can't imagine any business of any size hiring people to work they way we hire people to represent and do other public jobs for us. 

   We can do better and I hope someday we will.



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