Sick Day


   On Friday I could feel the beginnings of it. A dry scratchy throat and a thirst that never seemed to be quenched. I don't get sick very often, so when something is about to start it's very clear.

   By Saturday the laryngitis had set in. I was lucky I was working with Chrys, who was willing to answer the phones so my voice could be spared for the things I had to do. I had taken some ibuprofen to help with the inflammation in my throat and drinking as much water as I possibly could. I got through the day and went home to rest.

   Sunday was a little bit worse. My throat was sore in addition to being dry and scratchy. My voice was definitely worse. The occasional coughing spells did not help. Thanks to Chrys, I managed to get through the day. My next shift was the closing shift on Monday, I was not looking forward to it.

   After dinner on Sunday night I started to get cold. Things were getting worse. I was now running a fever.

   Clearly I had caught some type of virus. I knew that there were several going around besides the ever present Covid. I had to make a decision. Would I try to go to work tomorrow or would I do the one thing I had never done in my entire working life, call in sick.

   I decided the first thing to do was text my manager. If there was any chance that I might not come in tomorrow, she needed to know as soon as possible. I told her what was going on and that I would see how I felt in the morning and let her know. Since I get up pretty early, she would have enough warning to do what she needed to do.

   I spent a lot of the night coughing and trying to sleep between coughing spells. When I finally got up, I did feel better, but was still running a bit of a fever. My throat felt raw from all the coughing. I was tired from not getting enough sleep. My manager texted me to ask how I was. I told her that I was better, but that I thought it would be best if I stayed home. I would come in for my next shift on Friday. She agreed.

   That was it.

   I had just called in sick for the first time. 

   You may be wondering why I've never done this before. Part of it has to do with my childhood. We were not allowed to miss school unless we were very sick or had something like pink eye that others could get. By the time I got into high school I was barely able to keep up with the amount of homework I had and missing a day of school due to illness would put me behind so I went to school no matter what. 

   Once I started working, I often had jobs for which there was no extra coverage. When I worked as a nursing aide, if I needed to call in sick, I would have to find a sub. That was hard to do as no one wanted to work extra hours especially at short notice. I learned pretty quickly how to paste myself together. In retrospect what I did was dangerous. I could have and probably did make residents sick.

   Once I became a pharmacist it was more of the same. If I called in sick there was no one to cover for me at all the jobs I had. Someone would have to work on their day off, cancel plans or put aside other things. I couldn't do that to anyone so I worked sick. I came in once with laryngitis so bad my voice was barely above a whisper. I worked with sinus headaches to the point where I thought my eyes would pop out. 

   I work in a place now where I no longer feel the pressure to work when I'm sick. I know that if I give enough notice the schedule will be rearranged so my shift can be covered. At this pharmacy we look out for each other. 

   I spent most of yesterday resting. My voice also got a rest along with lots of liquids. It was good to be able to take care of myself. On Friday I'll be rested, well and ready to work.



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