Birthday Freebies


   It's August which means that I'm getting emails from a few places I patronize offering me something free on my birthday. There are some people I know who sign up for various things so they can collect on their birthday month. I'm not one of them. Too much work. 

   I would like to take issue with two such offers that I recently received. 

   The first is from a company that makes natural hair and skin care products. I have a lot of strange allergies some of which I've not been able to nail down to a certain compound. So far, I have not had any allergic reactions to anything I've used from this company. I joined their loyalty program and I get something for free on my birthday. It used to be a vial of perfume. I like the perfume, but I never used up the vial before my birthday came around again I got another vial. Now it is a bottle of scented oil.

   The problem is that I have no use for the oil. You are supposed to use it for your cuticles, in a bath or as a massage oil. I don't do massages, generally take showers and don't have time to be rubbing oil into my cuticles. (I'm lucky if I remember to apply hand lotion.) I wind up using the oil on my hair during the winter to keep my ends from snarling just to get it used up. (I was scolded by one of their sales staff once for improperly using the oil.)

  I wish they would offer me a free travel sized product. That would be a lot more useful to me. I could get something that I already use or take the opportunity to try something new. I can't imagine that it would cost more than the useless bottle of oil. It could also have the added benefit of introducing me to a new product that I may choose to use regularly which would increase their sales. (Because I can't be the only one who doesn't like the oil.)

   The second offer came from a company that sells books. I get five dollars off a purchase. Here's the catch, I have to spend $30 dollars to get five dollars off. How silly is that!

   I have no idea why I would have to spend $30. Why do they have a minimum purchase? If that minimum purchase limit wasn't there, I would probably go to the store to see if there is anything in paperback that I like. I'd spend $10-15 dollars and get five dollars off. Since I don't really want to spend $30 dollars, I'm going to leave that offer alone. If their intent was to get me in the door, it won't work.

   There is one birthday freebie that I am going to get. There is a bakery chain that gives me a small cake on my birthday. It's about the same size as a cupcake. Every year when I get notice that I have a free cake coming, I go in and get it. While I'm there I buy one for C. It's not fair for me to have one and not him. I like their offer, I get a free item and while I'm there I spend some money. Win-win



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