The Counselor/God Has a Sense of Humour Part 1


   Before I begin a bit of explanation is in order. With two exceptions, all groups in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are led by three people. From the top of the church to the smallest congregations (called branches) three people lead. There is a president (or bishop) and two counselors.

    One Sunday morning C got an email from the bishop. He wanted to know if C and I could meet with him in his office after Sunday school. C let him know immediately that we could. We both started speculating why the bishop asked us to meet. There's always a reason. Either there is a problem or he wants to extend a calling (for instance teaching Sunday school). Since neither of us could think of a problem that might involve us, it had to be a calling. The question now was, which one of us would be affected. C was a counselor in the Elder's Quorum (the men's group). I was attempting to teach four and five year olds. After a few minutes of speculation C said, "I think you are going to be called as a counselor in Relief Society." (Relief Society is the women's group.)

  "Impossible", I told him. For starters the RS presidency had been reorganized not too long ago. Also, I did not honestly think that anyone would choose me for a counselor. The women who are usually chosen to lead tend to choose women they know to serve with them. The women most likely to be asked to lead don't know much about me. There was no way that would happen.

   With that matter out of the way, we headed to church. That Sunday was the church Christmas program and C and I were going to accompany a singer. We had no more time to speculate.

   We got through the program and Sunday school. We gathered our instruments and went toward the bishop's office. He invited us inside. After a few minutes of chatting, the bishop told us that he felt inspired to call me to be second counselor in Relief Society. I was stunned and my first reaction, inappropriate I'll admit, was to turn to C and say, "Shut Up." C had totally called it and I knew an "I told you so" was coming. Still surprised, I said yes. After a little more talk, we left the office. I was still stunned. The new RS president is Mary, a woman that I who was becoming a good friend. The first counselor is Sharon, a women I was getting to know better. We would make a good group.

   Two things came to mind when I thought about my new calling. The first is that God has a wonderful sense of humour. He knows I hate being in leadership. He also knows how much I don't like RS. To me, RS is a group of much younger women who are raising young children, do Zumba and enjoy eating yummy treats. If you don't fit into this group, you're really not welcome. It felt cliquey and I had no interest in trying to fit into a group where I was clearly not wanted.

   It seemed that God had heard my private grumblings about RS and had decided He had had enough. He had decided to end my grumbling by placing me in a position where I could help make things better. I felt certain I was being told that if I want things to get better, I need to get to work. 

   The bishop had told us that he was concerned that these nearly two years of isolating and social distancing were making people a bit too comfortable staying apart. The kind of community and cohesiveness that should prevail in a group doing their best to follow the Lord was not prevailing. He wanted us to do what we could, knowing that some women would be uncomfortable with gathering or even private visits, to mend the divides he saw happening. 

   Another goal we have is to make RS feel more inclusive. Mary, Sharon and I have at various times  felt unwelcome in RS. We want to make it a safe space for women to come as themselves, to learn from others who are walking the same path and to get comfort and support from the group. 

    Right now we are in the early stages of organization. Lots of delegating and division of duties. Lots of things on Google Doc, a platform I'm going to have to learn to use. It's going to be an adventure.

   But I think it could also be fun......



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