

   C and I were in the kitchen this morning. We were talking while C mixed up some pancake batter. We were both looking forward to a nice breakfast before we got on with our day. Suddenly we both heard a loud bang coming from outside. Then everything got a little darker. The microwave clock went dark. The stove light got dark,. The Christmas tree lights were off. 

   The power was out.

   C looked outside to see if he could detect the problem. He could not. He took a flashlight downstairs to see if it was something inside the house. (Not likely given the noise came from outside) He made a phone call to the neighbors to see if their power was out. They were out of town. The neighbor on the corner checked in. Her power was still on but she is on a different grid than we are.

   C called the power company. The automated line told him that they were aware of the outage and were working on it. Estimated time to repair 11:30 AM. (It was 8:30 AM. when he called.) We could handle this. 

   I asked C if he thought we could use our gas stove to cook on. He wasn't sure so he looked it up. It wasn't recommended. The pancakes would have to wait.

  C got an email from the power company. The outage was affecting three customers and the estimated time to repair was 4:30 PM. I was worried. The temperature was hovering around zero. Could we have trouble with pipes freezing since our furnace wouldn't come on with the power out. We went to all the bathrooms and set the faucets to drip. Maybe we were being paranoid, but better safe than sorry.

   Both of our phones were fully charged so as long as we were careful we would be able to use them. There were two virtual church meetings we were supposed to attend.  The battery on the laptop most likely would not last for both meetings. C called to excuse himself from one of them. The other one we had to attend. We found the external power source and checked it. It was fully charged. If we needed to we could run a phone or the Ipad off of it.

    I was hungry so I had a small bowl of cereal. Then I brushed my teeth by candlelight and went to change clothes. I was wearing my workout gear. If it was going to get cold in the house, I wanted something warmer on.

   Scamp was on the bed. He knew something was up. I reassured him that everything would be all right. He decided he needed to do a walk around to make sure. I found a pair of jeans and a wool sweater. Perfect. I was putting them on when C said that he saw a truck from the power company near our house. I came out of our room to look. 

   "How did you get the Christmas tree lights on?" he said. I looked and they were indeed on.

    Our power had been restored. It was off for less than an hour.

   I put put on a lighter sweater and came back into the kitchen. C added some milk to the thickened pancake batter. I warmed up my cup of tea. We were both relieved and grateful. I felt good about the way we handled things. 

   C turned on the stove and made the pancakes. They were good.



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