The Thanksgiving Column


   The turkey breast is in the crockpot. I have a nice selection of music playing on the stereo. I've finished the washing the dishes (for now). C is doing a bit of house cleaning before he starts preparing the dressing I made from the cornbread I made this morning. Scamp has been tended to and is lying on the chaise. I've sent and received many holiday greetings via text. I have a cup of tea and it is time to write.

   Usually, I write about all the things that I'm grateful for. In fact, I post a list of them on Facebook. What is bothering me is that it is a list of things. Items. Suff. I am grateful for the many things that make my life easier and more beautiful, but gratitude should be more than counting our things and being happy about how much and what we have. 

   What are some non-material things for which I am grateful?

   A few, well more than a few years ago, my friend Carol's husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. They moved to a northern suburb of the Twin Cities to be nearer to their children. A few weeks ago, he passed away. I'm grateful that she had lots of support around her while she cared for him. I'm grateful that she is at peace, knowing that he is in Heaven where all things that have been lost are restored. I'm grateful that her children are around her.

   Another friend, Helen, has also been struggling with her health. Last week she got out of the hospital and as far as I know she is back home. She has two daughters that love her and have come to visit and help her out. She sometimes posts on Facebook about the things her daughters do. I always enjoy hearing about them.

   Elizabeth, a woman I know from church, has wanted a baby for a long time. She and her husband sought medical help and had been trying various things. I got a text from her this week that she is far enough along that she feels confident enough to ask me to start on the baby blanket I promised to her. I'm so happy for her and her husband, they will be wonderful parents.

   This year C and I were asked by Mary, a good friend of mine, to accompany her in a song she wanted to sing at church. I was a bit intimidated by the request. She has had music training, C and I have not. She reads music, C and I play by ear. I thought that she might be a bit put off at the way C and I do things when we play. I was wrong. We all had a wonderful time and our piece sounded good. She enjoyed working with us so much that she has asked us to accompany her again on a song for the Christmas program. I'm grateful for the experience of working with her and getting to know her better.

   In February, I lost my beloved grandma Evie.  I miss her, especially today. I would have called her up and told her what I was cooking. She would have given me some ideas on how to make things. I'm grateful for her friendship and how she was like a wise grandmother to me. I'm grateful for all times time I took her out to eat. I'm grateful for the support she gave me and the loved that she showed me. I'm wearing a pair of nice earrings today even though we are not going anywhere because she said always wear some jewelry. 

   This is a sample of some non-material things for which I am grateful. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Sophie, C and Scamp


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