Domestic Chore Day


   I text my Dad nearly every day. Over the years we have developed our own words for different things. One of them is Domestic Chore Day. That is what we call any day that is spent doing household chores like laundry or cleaning. 

   One of the downsides of working a lot of hours is that my few days off tend to be domestic chore days. Today is one of those days. What I'd like to do is go out and shop for a new pair of running/walking shoes and maybe grab a pumpkin steamer. Then go home and read or knit.

   That isn't how today is going to go. It's not a real good idea to shop on the weekend after Thanksgiving. Since I spent yesterday ordering new contact lenses and picking out a pair of glasses, I'm doing laundry today. C was kind enough to take care of two days worth of dishes. The only dishes I had to wash were the bowls I used making pumpkin bread. 

   I don't mind washing dishes or doing laundry. In fact I enjoy doing both things. While I'm washing dishes I can listen to music or a podcast. There is an element of instant gratification for me. I like seeing a rack full of nice clean dishes. (I'm not the greatest at getting them put away in a timely manner though...)

   The same goes for laundry. I stack the dirty clothes into piles to be washed. Towels, jeans and sweatshirts go in one pile. Whites are in another pile. Light and dark coloured delicate clothes are in  another pile. I get a sense of satisfaction putting the piles into the washing machine and then into the dryer or on the hanging racks. A floor with no piles on it and an empty dirty laundry basket make me happy.

   I even enjoy folding the laundry and putting it away. This task doesn't always get done in the most timely manner either which is why I like to start early and spend the whole day doing laundry. That way I have plenty of time to put things away.

   There are two baskets of dry clothes downstairs. Time to stop writing and start folding.....


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