I'm All Right


   Hi! This is Skamp!

   Sophie is working a lot this week so I decided to write her column for her. It's been awhile since I wrote anyway. I thought some of you might want to know how I'm doing.

   It's been almost a year since Colby got sick and crossed over to where all good animals go. It's been tough, a sad and lonely time. Sophie and C did their best to comfort me. Sophie groomed me every morning. (Something that still continues.) C gave me extra attention whenever I needed it. (That also still continues.)They are very good humans.

   I've been keeping busy. I am now the Chief House Cat, which means that I am in charge of keeping my humans safe by warning them of intruders. Yesterday an intruder spent several hours with C doing something to our house. Sophie explained that he was only putting up the lights that were removed when the new siding was installed. I watched him carefully from inside the house but wanted to get out for a better view. Sophie offered to take me outside with my harness and lead. I felt the harness would make me look ineffective is he threatened C. Sophie assured me that it would be all right. I kept a close eye on him. He did a good job. I like the new lights.

   I've resumed my therapy cat duties. I enjoy comforting my humans when they feel a bit sad. Most of the time they seem to be all right. I've let them know that if it makes them feel better to give me treats, extra grooming and snuggles, I'm ok with that 

   I'm still lonely sometimes. My humans are good, but it isn't the same as having another cat to talk to. Someone that you can laugh with when your humans do something strange. I know that C and Sophie occasionally discuss getting another cat. I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand it would be nice to have the company of another feline. It would be helpful to have someone to share the work. It would also be nice to have a younger cat around so I could teach him. On the other hand, I like my nap time and I'm not sure I want some frisky little kitten wanting to play all the time.

   I'm beginning to enjoy being an only cat. No one sleeps in my space or eats my food or moves my training equipment. (Well sometimes Sophie moves them when she cleans.) I also like the attention I get from my humans. We'll have to see what happens.

   Looks like it's naptime. Bye!


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