Assorted Stuff


   Once again I find myself sitting in front of the computer with no idea of what I'm going to write. There are several thoughts going through my minds at the moment. None of them are enough of a thought to make a column out of them alone. 

   One of the things I've been doing during the pandemic is watching The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. I can get it on You Tube so I don't have to stay up late. Since gatherings have not been permitted because of the pandemic, Colbert has been doing his show in his office with only technical staff and sometimes his wife with him. A week or so ago he announced that he would be doing his show in front of an audience again. The audience would all have to be vaccinated. It's clear he can't wait until that day arrives. I'm not sure I'm going to continue watching it. I like the office show with the laughter of a few people when he tells a really good joke. I enjoy watching him flub up his lines or miss a cue and make jokes about it. 

   It's fashionable to talk about how bad the past year and few months has been. Most people think want things to go back to normal. Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think that the past year was totally bad. There were some good things. It might be worth the time consider that going back to 2019 ways may not be the best thing. There might be some things that we learned or did during the pandemic that are worth continuing.

   Our garden is in. One of the things we discovered is that a large chamomile plant is growing in our garden. I have no idea how it got there. We've checked several sources that all confirm that it is indeed chamomile. I've had chamomile tea before, but never using fresh chamomile. I'll have to try it. (at night of course, wouldn't want to sleep during the day.)

   It's been very hot out and the way it looks this heat wave is going to last for the rest of the week. I've always appreciated air conditioning, but I am truly grateful for it now. Especially when a customer told my tech and I that hers had gone out. It will be three weeks at least before another can be installed. Thankfully she has a below ground basement where things are a bit cooler.

   The aggravating thing about the hot weather is that it isn't safe to do a=many of the outdoor things we'd like to do, like ride our bikes. Fortunately yoga can be done safely indoors so I'm still getting some exercise.

   Time to sign off. I have cakes to bake, a harp to practice and dishes to wash. For those of you in Minnesota and in the Midwest, Stay safe in the heat.



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