Valentine's Day


   C held out a small box of chocolates to me. "I'm sorry this is so small," he said. "I wanted to get the larger box I usually get for you, but the prices have gone up." I couldn't believe he was apologizing. There was no reason for him to apologize. I would have been happy with the four piece sample pack. 

   A bit of backstory is in order at this point. When C and I met, he was a musician and managing a small coffee shop. He was starting his life over again after a rough divorce and several bad choices. He didn't make much and he wanted to treat me as a true gentleman should. Our first Valentine's date was Culver's, a local fast food restaurant. He was embarrassed, but it was all he could afford. 

   I wasn't upset. To me, it didn't matter where we ate Valentine's Day dinner, what mattered more is that we were spending it together. I happily ate my hamburger and fries. He gave me a small tealight candleholder in the shape of a heart. I gave him a mix tape that I made along with liner notes about the songs I chose. 

   A few months after that Valentine's Day, we got engaged.  We picked out a modest solitaire garnet ring for my engagement ring. Our thought was that the stone would be part of my wedding ring. Unfortunately, garnets are somewhat fragile. We'd have to pick out a different stone and ring. C asked me what kind of ring I wanted. I told him I wanted something very simple. I didn't want a ring with diamonds and I preferred white gold, he could choose whatever he thought best.  I said that I would be happy with a ring made from a bubble gum wrapper. 

   Next next Valentine's  Day was at my house. We had finished a dinner of steak and baked potatoes, when C asked me to put some music on the stereo. C and I danced to the music for a few songs. Then C held out a small box to me. I opened the lid and found a ring made from a bubble gum comic with a large rhinestone taped to the top. I was a bit taken aback. I didn't think I would be literally taken at my word. C saw the dismay on my face and suggested that I check underneath the bubblegum ring. There was a lovely ring white gold in a flower pattern with a dark blue sapphire in the middle of it. This was my formal engagement and wedding ring.

  One of the gifts of finding your true love at an older age is that things don't matter quite so much. I didn't need a showy engagement ring. I am quite pleased with the modest ring I have that C designed himself with the help of the jeweler. What matters more to me is the time we spend together and the memories we make. 

   When C gave me my customary Valentine's chocolate, I wasn't upset because it was a smaller box than usual. I knew that he had given me the best that he could afford just like he has all the years I have known him. I put my arms around him and said thank you. Earlier that day we had gone walking around the Big Mall. We paused at a stand and bought cookies and milk. We found a seat and ate our cookies while watching the shoppers walking past the store. That was my favourite part of the day and I told him that.

   "We don't need a lot of stuff," I said. "Instead of stuffing our house with things let's stuff our minds with memories." C agreed.

Happy Valentine's Day from C, Sophie and Scamp.❤





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