Use it Up


   A few years back when C and I started a project of organizing the store room downstairs, I made some discoveries. One of them was a large bin of lotions, soaps and body sprays. I knew where this bounty had come from. These were relics of my earlier life when I was single. I liked to go to Bath and Body Works and the now defunct Garden Botanika to buy lotion, bubble bath and bath gel. I loved to indulge in a nice long tub soak followed by a good moisturizer and some scent. Many times I would find a scent that I liked and buy a lot of it knowing that it would probably be discontinued.

  A job change and a move found my stock of bath products packed away. Eventually my lifestyle no longer included those leisurely tub soaks. There was just not enough time for them. The bath products stayed in their bin downstairs in the store room totally forgotten. 

  Until that day a few years back when they were found. I had mixed feelings about the bin. On one hand it was like finding a old friend and remembering the good times you'd had together. One the other hand I wondered what was I going to do with all of it. Some of it was partly used and the rest not really good enough to be given away. Since I can't throw usable things out, I decided I was going to use it up. All of it.

  I would have to be careful in my use. I couldn't use any of the scented things at work out of respect for those with allergies or sensitive noses. There was no reason for me to not use it on my nonworking days. With that in mind I commenced Operation Use It Up.

  Since I can't use what I can't find, I filled a shelf of the linen closet with bath products and filled another bin in the computer room. I organized them according to how much was left. Bottles that were less than half full went in the front to be used first. There were a few scents that I didn't like as much. Those would go on my feet. In the summer I would put a bottle of liquid powder or body spray in my bathroom to use on hot days. In the winter I would replace the summer items with spray on lotion.

  Slowly progress is being made. every time I rinse out a bottle and put it into the recycling bin, I feel a bit victorious. My plan is working. It may take a long time for me to complete Operation Use It Up. At least I am making progress.


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