Doing Things We Used to Do


      A few days ago I ordered some candy. It was not just any candy. It was Aplets and Cotlets from Liberty Orchards. I had not ordered a box for many years. I was so excited about reviving this tradition of mine that I had a second box shipped to a friend of mine.

   Over the years I got so busy with work that little by little, I stopped doing a lot of the things I used to do around the holidays. It got to the point that I was just doing a little baking and putting up a tree and a few decorations. Maybe I'd stick a few Christmas CDs in the stereo.

  It's time to change that. I'm tired of December being something that I have to endure. This is a time for joy. 

   Yesterday I made a list of Christmas treats I plan to bake. I'm going to make plates of treats and bring them to our neighbors and a couple other people. One of those things is fudge. I haven't made fudge in years. My sister-in-law, Doris, gave me the recipe my mother-in-law used. I have no idea how it will turn out, but I'm going to try. I found an easy recipe for mint candy that I'd like to try. Peppermint flavoring was on sale at the store so I bought some.

  C and I have made a Christmas card list. C wanted to write a letter to send to everyone but I think this year we will send cards. I have a whole tubful of cards that I've bought over the years. A few days ago we bought a lot of stamps at Costco.

   Yesterday I bought two 2021 wall calendars and a page a day calendar. This is one of my favorite things to do. I like going through the selection to see what appeals to me. The page a day ones are my favourite. Sometimes I get funny ones. Sometimes I get inspirational ones.  A few years I would get a left handers calendar. I've had a few cat ones too. 

   Today we are going to decorate the house. We'll combine this with a bit of dusting and getting a spot ready for the tree which we will buy next week. I'm going to put another Christmas CD in the stereo. 

  Next week we will plan our holiday dinners, We have Italian food for Christmas Eve, a turkey breast on Christmas Day and a brisket with traditional southern food on New Years Day.

  Just thinking about doing these things makes me happy. That's something we need more of.....



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