

   The turkey is in the crockpot. Christmas music is on the stereo. The tree lights are on and will stay on all day. The sun is shining. It's a balmy 15 degrees outside. There is a nice layer of snow on the ground. C is live streaming Wonder Woman downstairs. I'm at the computer writing my column. Scamp has made himself comfortable on the bed. It's Christmas at our house.

   There are no presents under the tree. No ribbon or wrapping paper on the floor. There is a selection of home made treats on the dining room table given to us from friends. 

   This is just about perfect. The only thing that would make this perfect were if my beloved Colby were sleeping next to Scamp. 

   I'm happy. The lack of material gifts does not bother me a bit. I'm finding as I get older, I'm more interested in experiences that in things. I care more about people than possessions. 

  This year I sent cards. I've posted some rather thoughtful things on Facebook. I made up cookie plates for C to deliver to our neighbors and a few church friends. Yesterday I sent texts to members of my family telling them what I like about them. Today I sent Merry Christmas messages to a few friends. 

   This afternoon I plan to soak in gratitude. I'm going to read a book. Listening to some organ music. maybe knit or needlepoint a bit. I'm going to eat some of the treats we have. I'm going to drink eggnog, tea and maybe even make some of the non alcoholic wassail that someone gave us. (not at the same time.) I'm going to enjoy a meal with my handsome and beloved husband. In my corner of the world all is calm and all is bright.

Merry Christmas from Sophie, C and Scamp



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