Spring Planting
The sun is out. The weather forecast is for a warm day. I have a bag of plants and seeds that I got from Dana. It's time to plant. I believe this urge to get my hands in the dirt must be from my country roots. I've noticed that those who farm or live around those who do seem to have a strong connection to the land. As I've gotten older this desire to plant things has gotten a bit stronger. This year I especially want to get things planted. I want something cheerful to look at and something to do outside. Especially as it looks like everything is going to be closed for most of the summer. That means no trips to the Arboretum, assuming they stay closed. I'm not a master gardener, but I can at least plant a few things. I can't do worse than last year when I let the garden completely go to seed. There were weeds as tall as I am in the garden by the end of the summer. The only flowers the grew were the ones that came back every year. Of co...