The Sandwich

   Last week I spent the day with my friend, Dana, who was teaching me how to scrapbook.  It was lunchtime and we were hungry. She offered to order something from a nearby restaurant and have it delivered. I thought that was a good idea. I looked at the online menu and saw a sandwich that I've always wanted to try. I mentioned that to Dana. There was only one thing stopping me. It was the name.
   I told Dana that my grandmother had told me never to use that word. I joked about how my grandmother would probably rise up out her grave and slap me if she heard me using it. I'm sure Dana thought I was a little weird. Possibly afraid of ghosts.
  That's not the real reason though. The real reason I never ordered that sandwich is because the name of the sandwich,dago, is an offensive term meaning Italian or someone of Italian descent. As a person who is of Italian descent, it is deeply offensive. It is as bad as the "N word",spic,chink,frog,redskin, retard, and yid.
   Since I work with the public, I have tried hard not to use offensive names for various groups. I say native American, African American, differently abled and Asian. I understand how hurtful names can be an try to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
  Unfortunately, there are some offensive names that are commonly used. One of the most egregious examples is the name of the Washington DC football team. I cannot understand why the ownership of this team refuses to change the name. If a college team in North Dakota is forced to change it's nickname due to the offensive nature of the name, why can't a team that is more publicly known do the same. (The University of North Dakota used to be the Fighting Sioux. As Sioux is an offensive name to local native Americans the name was changed to the Fighting Hawks.)
   Just because racial slur is commonly used by others is not a reason for me to use it. I don't refer to the Washington football team by their name. I always use their location. I also will not order a sandwich if the name of the sandwich is one that is personally offensive to me.
  I'm sure there are some reading this who are thinking that I am being oversensitive. Perhaps some of you are considering that I've fallen in with those who are overly politically corrected and offended by everything. Not true.
   I believe it has a lot to do with the fact that I am very aware of the effect that derogatory labels can have on people. It is very easy to treat any group badly if you give them a label that takes away their humanity.  Here's an example, for many years I was bullied in school. I believe some of that had to do with the fact that I was a special education student. In other words, a retard. It is OK to pick on a retard, because well... they are retards. They're not people and they are not like us.
   I believe that our thoughts and beliefs dictate our actions and it starts with our language. To me that means avoiding racial slurs and other names that demean groups of people. In all situations.
  Even sandwich names.




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